Remains of the day (Friday Night Poetry Corner #245)

Good evening everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed the holidays or a winter break, whichever you prefer. Tonight is another edition of Friday Night Poetry Corner. This week I am featuring a wonderful poem name Sue Vincent and her poem is called “Remains of the day.” Here’s a hint, if you like animals in general, I am sure you will enjoy this work. Also please visit her blog and read more of her work.

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

A big box of chocolates sits on my desk,

We had eaten enough that they’d last…

So on Boxing Day, in a decadent move,

I could use them for breaking my fast.

There’ll be turkey sandwiches, cake and mince pies

And the leftover trifle for tea,

The last sausage roll and a sliver of cheese

Will be plenty for small dog and me.

The small dog and I overate just a bit,

What with Yorkshires and roasties and stuff,

But there are leftovers to finish today

And there will be more than enough.

It was cooked to perfection, that seasonal feast,

Bringing memories back with each taste…

But memories linger, and with every bite,

They are lingering now on my waist.

That big box of chocolates will soon be no more

And the trifle no more than a ghost…

So after today, as our waistlines dictate,

We’ll be dining on…

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